2学年英語科授業 生徒意見文 「平和な世界を作るために中学生の私たちができること」
I think we should be kind to each other. Then the world will become peace. For example, first if you are kind to someone, someone will be kind to other people. Second, to be kind to each other is spread by us all over the world. After that, the world become peace. Because of them, I think we should be kind to each other to make a peaceful world.
For example, first, I understand Ms. Yuko. Then, Ms. Yuko will understand someone. Then someone will also understand someone. I believe if this is repeated many times, we can make a peaceful world. We have already learned to understand each other is very important. So, even if it’s little by little, I believe we can make a peaceful world.
I think to try understanding each other will become the way to make a peaceful world. Why did some countries start the war? I think one of the reasons is they couldn’t understand each other. If we understand each other, we can be friends. A lot of people have had a quarrel. But, they become friends again. It’s because they understood each other.
Going abroad to understand each other is difficult for us. But this idea is known to a lot of people if we know this idea. It is easy for us. Let’s make a peaceful world little by little.
I think people should understand other countries to make a peaceful world. That’s because we can feel thankful to other people.
I didn’t like my mother before. But one day, I talked with my aunt about her. She told me about my birth. Then, I felt thankful to her. Later, I often help her.
Please think about your important friends. You should feel “love” to them. You have very important reasons to make them important friends. Also, you should know a lot about them. And you feel thankful to them, right?
Understanding other countries will connect to make good relation. I think it’s the most important thing to make a peaceful world. What do you think?